Pvt. William Andy Long (23) was shot and killed by a Muslim extremist on June 1, 2009. Please pray for his family and friends and the protection of our brave military men and women around the world.
Pvt. Long's father was on Bill O'Reilly and was asked to share about his son. Mr. O'Reilly asked the father if there was anything that he could do. Instead of asking for something personal (which would be 100% justifiable) the father asked people to donate to the wounded warrior project http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/
That to me is what makes the United States of America so great. Even during one of the most painful experiences a person can go through, the loss of a child, he asks people to help others! His son sacrificed his life to serve this country and so I would ask that you to consider sacrificing by donating to the http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/ in honor of Pvt. William Andy Long.
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